Urgent Guidance

Amended 17 June 2021

UK Government Guidance for attendance at Funerals (and by default stone settings) has removed the cap of the maximum number of mourners and others that can attend a service at the grounds with effect from June 21. Whilst we will adhere to these rules, we would ask that numbers do not exceed 40 persons at a funeral or a stone setting as social distancing remains and there is little room for this to be carried out efficiently whilst this remains the case. Numbers at the Western Cemetery are in line with ours.

The Woodland Prayer Hall is now open but we would ask people to remain social distanced as much as possible when in the building. Due to space constraints the Prayer Halls at the Western remain closed.

We ask for your cooperation as these restrictions will be enforced. Please remain within your family groups and these groups should not mingle.

All visitors are still required to wear masks or other face coverings at all times. We expect everyone to follow government rules on self-isolation and quarantine when either having Covid-19 symptoms, a positive test or having been in contact with someone who has tested positive. Any person within these guidelines should not visit the cemeteries. Please refrain from approaching our staff save for the 2 metre distancing.

The Office remains closed. Toilets are open and Hand Sanitisers are available for your use. The use of the buggy remains restricted and its availability will be reviewed regularly.

We thank you for your cooperation and patience.

Lost Baby service on 6th April at 2.30pm